How to find out your number from the Rostelecom operator?

Как узнать свой номер у оператора Ростелеком?

For example, an Internet provider such as Rostelecom is distributed in almost all corners of Russia. And it’s worth noting that in addition to home Internet and IPTV, this company provides other services. In some regions, Rostelecom offers mobile communication services. Like any other mobile operator, Rostelecom offers a wide range of functions and capabilities to its subscribers. But today we will raise only one question: how to find out your phone number from the telecom operator Rostelecom?

At the moment, you can find out your Rostelecom number using a ussd request. All you need to do is type the command * 201 #. Within a few seconds you will find out your phone number. But you should know that if your account balance is negative, you will not be able to use this command. In such a situation, you need to call the support center number 611. Now you know how to find out your phone number from telecom operator Rostelecom.
December 16, 2015 2
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  1. ksenia_otvaga
    21 November 2023 08: 39
    Was I really able to find out my number, thanks for the help! 
  2. ahhlov
    5 December 2023 00: 45
    I've been wondering how to find out for a long time! thank you, I found out!