Broadcast video with the Periscope application

As you can see, today there are simply plenty of services for communicating via the Internet. And each service is unique in its own way. Today we will talk about the service, an application from the creators Twitter, which is called Periscope. Let's talk about it in more detail. We can immediately say that Periscope can be used on Android and IOS phones. But what can you do with this application?
The main function of Periscope is broadcasting video in real time. As you can see, this application is extremely similar to Skype service.
With the Periscope application, you can not only broadcast videos, but also repeat their broadcast at the required time. You can also broadcast videos only to certain users. The most interesting feature of this application is that video broadcasts can be sent directly to the Twitter service. If you want to try something new in the world of video communication, then you should try using the Periscope service. You can download it from our website.
Download Periscope for free
Download the program from the official website