What is the difference between WCDMA and GSM communication standards?

В чем разница между стандартами связи WCDMA и GSM?

Before answering this question, it is important to understand what we are talking about in general. As many have already guessed, WCDMA and GSM are communication standards that are used in modern cellular communications. The differences between this and the two standards are often of interest to users because in modern smartphones You can choose the priority of a specific communication standard. Let's start with GSM. GSM is the global standard for digital mobile communications. This communication standard belongs to second generation networks. And today this cellular communication standard is the most widespread in the world.

WCDMA is also a cellular communication standard. This standard was designed as an add-on to GSM. This communication standard is used by many operators to provide broadband radio access to support 3G.

Everything written above shows the differences from a technological point of view. And these differences can be described further. But we can say it much more briefly: if you use your phone only for calls and SMS, then it is better to leave priority to the GSM network standard. Today this standard is widespread and has the best coverage area.

The WCDMA standard should be installed on your phone in cases where you use your phone to access the Internet. For example, watch videos, communicate on social networks, listen to music online. It is WCDMA that is optimized by telecom operators to provide high-speed multimedia services. Now you know the main differences between WCDMA and GSM. After this article, you will understand exactly what network mode you need to set on your phone.
January 13, 2016 0
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