Pinout of micro USB charging connector

Распиновка микро USB разъема для зарядки

What is a pinout? This word refers to the description of each contact of an electrical connection in electrical equipment. The pinout is also called pinout. All this is needed to identify all connection contacts, and in the future it may be useful for repairing and disassembling equipment. The micro USB pinout contains a description of 5 elements, namely 5 contacts:

1) Red contact. Its purpose is to supply a supply voltage of +5 V.
2) White contact. Purpose - data transfer.
3) Green contact. Also used for data transfer.
4) Lilac colored contact. It is not used in type B connectors. In type A connectors, its purpose is to short to the common wire to support the OTG function.
5) Black contact. This is the supply voltage zero.

There may also be one more wire in this type of cable, but it is not assigned a number. It is not very common and is used for shielding. In this article you will find detailed pinout information micro USB connector for charging.
February 08, 2016 0
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