Is it possible to charge a tablet if the charging connector is broken?

Можно ли зарядить планшет, если сломался разъем для зарядки?
Careless use of electronic equipment, one way or another, will lead to the fact that some of its elements may become unusable. So, if the charging connector in the tablet is used carelessly, and upon further attempts to use it, the tablet may not charge at all, or, what is much worse, sparks may come from the socket. But what to do if this happens, and the tablet urgently needs to be charged? We will try to answer this question for you. First steps

First, try to determine the degree of damage. It happens that the connector does not work due to the fact that the contacts simply came off. In this case, soldering back these same contacts will most likely help. If the problem is much more serious, then you should resort to direct tablet charging.

Charging the tablet directly

The process involves taking a working battery from another device and connecting its terminals to the battery that needs to be charged.

Consider the fact that with such a connection, the voltage and current of the batteries must match.

With direct charging, electricity will be gradually transferred from one source to another, but be aware that this method can damage both batteries. So that you do not take too much risk, we suggest that before carrying out such an operation, you contact a technical service center, where qualified specialists will help solve this problem.
January 11, 2016 1
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 35
    I think it doesn't work like that and I need a new charger socket