HobDrive - on-board computer for your car
Operating systems equipped with modern smartphones, There are a few. There is no point in listing them, since everyone is already familiar with them. We can only note once again that devices running Android are among the most popular today. An incredible variety of different applications have been created and are being created for them, and today we will talk about one of the applications for this OS. The program is called HobDrive. It is a powerful on-board computer for a car. The program will show you detailed information about the condition of your car. All you have to do is connect your phone with the installed program to your car. This is done using the ELM327 USB OBD II adapter.
All vehicle sensor readings, advanced engine diagnostics, power measurements, an advanced on-board computer, fuel consumption calculation - this is only a small part of the capabilities that the HobDrive program hides. All information will be displayed on your smartphone.
HobDrive is compatible with almost all modern cars. It is also worth noting that there is a paid and free version of this program. The free version doesn't have all the features, but once you try it, you'll want to purchase the full version of HobDrive. If you want to have a good on-board computer in your car, then download in the Google Play store own the HobDrive program. You can download it from the link below.
Download HobDrive for free
Download the program from the official website