Changing the display form of column names in Excel from numeric to alphabetic

Меняем форму отображения названий столбцов в Excel с числовой на буквенную

Imagine that you sat down to work at a computer other than yours and were forced to deal with an Excel program whose parameters do not match yours. Thus, you saw that the column names are presented in numeric form, not alphabetic. And if this presentation of names is not convenient for you, then now you will find out what needs to be done so that the columns are named using letters again.

So, we have this representation of the column names:

Меняем форму отображения названий столбцов в Excel с числовой на буквенную

But we want it to look like this:

To do this, you will need to do some minor manipulations with Excel parameters:

  1. Click on the menu button and press Excel Options.

  2. In the left column, select a section Formulas.

  3. In the area on the right, find the section Working with formulas and uncheck the box R1C1 link style.

Ready. Apply the changes you made, after which you will see that the column names have changed to letters.

14th September, 2016 2
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 21: 22
    I remember they told us this in computer science, but I was sleeping then, now this is great information
  2. Tulip
    6 December 2023 21: 56
    I haven’t used Excel for a long time that I even forgot how to do it.