Hacking Wi-Fi using CommView and Aircrack-ng

Today we will talk about one useful program called CommView and figure out how you can use it to hack your Wi-Fi password. Step by Step Actions
Download and install two programs: CommView http://www.softportal.com/getsoft-2186-commview-2.html and Aircrack-ng https://aircrack-ng.ru.uptodown.com/windows .
Launch CommView. When you launch it for the first time, the program will offer to update the necessary drivers for current operation. Agree to this and wait for the update process to complete. After this, restart your computer.
So, the computer has restarted. Go back to CommView and select the tab Rules, in which check the boxes next to Захват, Date of packages. There is no need to touch anything else here.
Go to section Main in the program settings and mark everything as shown in the screenshot.

Open the section Memory usage and in the fields Maximum number of packets in buffer и Max. number of lines in current IP connections set the following values:

Now go to Log files.Place a check mark next to Autosave Set tracking parameters:
- Maximum directory size – 200
- Average log file size – 5
Click the button Захват in the main CommView window. During scanning, you will see lines being added to the right side of the application window - these are the currently available nearest Wi-Fi access points. Wait for the program to finish the process.
Next, hold down the key combination on your keyboard Ctrl + L and save the resulting log files to the extension .cap. You will need this extension to work with another Aircrack app you have installed.

Open Aircrack and set in the program settings the path to the files with packages (converted log files), the key size and the encryption method - WEP, then click on Launch.

If the correct key is found, you will see a window where this same key will be presented in ASCII encoding.

Return to the CommView program, where in the settings enter the received code in 16th form.