Velcom: disabling voicemail

Velcom is a mobile operator that has its advantages and disadvantages. Like other similar services, Velcom provides some services to its clients by default, immediately after connection. One of these services is “Voice Mail”, the essence of which is to send voice messages to the user about incoming calls when your phone number is busy, disconnected or out of mobile coverage. Some will like this service, others will not. If you don’t like this service, you want to disable it, but don’t know how to do it, now we will teach you how to do this. Disabling the Voicemail service
Like all other services, Voicemail can be disabled using a special USSD command. To do this, dial on your mobile * 441 * 1 #call_button, then press on your keyboard digit 1.
After completing these steps, the Voicemail service will be completely disabled. Сonclusion
As you can see, disabling voicemail on Velcom is very simple. Share the knowledge you have gained with your friends and acquaintances and never become hostage to mobile operators who impose services that are unnecessary for you.