How to Merge Tables in Microsoft Office Word

Как объединить таблицы в Microsoft Office Word

Often, users of Microsoft Office Word work not only with text, but also with tables that can be created and edited in this tool. Today we will cover the question of how to merge two tables in a popular text editor.

Method 1: Copy and paste the table

  1. In our example there are two tables: "Example 1" и "Example 2". To join a second table to the first table, select the second table completely, and then press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + X (or on the toolbar select the button "Cut out").

    Как объединить таблицы в Microsoft Office Word

  2. The table will be deleted and immediately placed on the clipboard. Now place the mouse cursor immediately under the first table (extra spaces should be removed), and then insert the second table using the hotkey combination Ctrl+V or right-click and select "Insert".

  3. In the next moment the tables will be connected. Please note that in this way you can connect tables not only vertically, but also horizontally.

Method 2: Remove paragraph marks

  1. Place two tables on one sheet.

  2. Go to the tab "Glavnaya" and click on the indicated icon in the screenshot below to activate the display of the paragraph icon.

  3. All indents entered will be displayed on the screen. Your task is to remove all indents between two tables (place the cursor to the right of the icon, and then click on the button "Backspace"). This will remove all icons.

  4. When all unnecessary icons are removed, the two tables will be joined together.

If you know other ways to combine tables that are not included in the article, share them in the comments.
24th September, 2017 2
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  1. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 16: 50
    You can simply copy and paste into one table and it will be like combining two in one
  2. Stason
    6 December 2023 23: 23
    The article will be useful for beginners, I recommend it