How to restore Windows 8

Как создать точку восстановления в Windows 8

Every user - both experienced and not so experienced - could encounter a situation when a computer, or rather its system, began to severely malfunction. This is a big problem and therefore needs to be fixed. To avoid returning to factory settings after fixing problems and losing all your data, it is sometimes necessary to create so-called restore points - this way you can always “roll back” to the working state of the computer.

The process of creating a restore point

Windows 8 is good in that rollback points are created both automatically after making any system changes, and by the user, at will.
  1. Go to the tab "Properties of the system"by right-clicking on the shortcut "This computer". Also, if you are an advanced user, you can use the system program "Run" (called by keyboard shortcut Win + R). To call "System properties" enter the command sysdm.cpl and click "OK".

    Как создать точку восстановления в Windows 8

  2. In the menu on the left side, select the item "System protection".

  3. In the window that opens, click on the button "Create" and enter the name of the rollback point.

After some time, the restore point will be created and you will receive a notification about the successful completion of the action. Your data is safe, because if a system failure or damage occurs, you can always return it to the state when the rollback point was created.
01 March, 2018 4
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  1. Liabreath
    22 November 2023 19: 39
    Using this article I created a restore point. I express my gratitude to this site!
  2. Tulip
    4 December 2023 10: 34
    Class! Everything worked out! Do everything as written and you will succeed.
  3. Stason
    6 December 2023 03: 52
    Is a restore point that easy to make? I didn't even know
  4. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 14: 12
    They are created automatically, there is no need to invent anything, I feel so comfortable and also Windows 8 is already outdated