How to create a restore point on Windows 10

Как создать точку восстановления на Windows 10

While working on a computer, the user can change a lot, for example, install new programs and drivers, sometimes not suitable for the system, edit settings at his discretion, etc. Unfortunately, not everyone has special skills and is not always aware of the consequences of a particular action, so when carrying out these operations, there is the possibility of doing something “wrong”. Because of this, the computer may begin to produce various errors or stop working completely. One way out is to completely reinstall the PC system, but it is also possible to use a restore point.

Sozdanie tochki vosstanovleniya Windows 10

Generally speaking, a restore point is a kind of “storage” for the OS: it contains system files at the time of its creation. Thus, by activating a restore point, the user returns the OS to the state when the restore point was created.

A restore point is not the same as a backup; it will not affect user data in any way because it is not a complete copy - it contains data about changes to system files.

Stage 1: Initial settings

The process of creating a restore point and rolling back the OS will look like this:
  1. You need to right-click on the menu Pusk, go to the tab "Control Panel" and, for convenience, select "Large Icons".

    Как создать точку восстановления на Windows 10

  2. Then you need to click on the icon "Recovery" and choose "System Recovery Settings" (you must log in as an administrator).

  3. Next, you need to check whether the system disk is protected. If its protection is turned off, then you need to turn it on by clicking on the “configure” button and setting the switch to "Enable system protection".

Step 2: Create a restore point

The instructions for this step are as follows:
  1. You need to go to the tab "System protection".

  2. Then click on "Create", enter the characteristics of the future recovery point and wait for completion.

Stage 3: Start recovery

Returning the system to a restore point:
  1. Need to go to "Control Panel" and go to the tab "Recovery".

  2. Click on "Run System Restore" (to do this you must have administrator rights).

  3. Then you need to click on the button "Further", select a restore point and click again "Further".

  4. Now you need to wait for the rollback process to complete.

When the performance of the system leaves much to be desired, using this method it is possible to return it to the state when the restore point was created, which is not a bad option, compared to a radical reinstallation of Windows 10, to fix the problems that have arisen.
January 17, 2018 5
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  1. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 15: 13
    I created a restore point on Windows 10 very quickly! good article! Thank you! 
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 15: 14
    As I understand it, it works like a rollback to an old or previous version before installing some application
  3. Stason
    6 December 2023 23: 06
    I've been looking for information for a long time. and just now I found freeprograms on this site