How to remove protection from a write-protected flash drive

Как снять защиту с флешки, защищенной от записи

Sometimes, if the disk has write protection, you can remove it by formatting the flash drive. The main thing is to be able to copy data from it before doing so. It also happens that it is enough to connect it to another USB port and the flash drive begins to be read and written perfectly. Sometimes, if the disk has write protection, you can remove it by formatting the flash drive. The main thing is to be able to copy data from it before doing so. It also happens that it is enough to connect it to another USB port and the flash drive begins to be read and written perfectly.

If the The flash drive could not be formatted, pay attention to the body of the flash drive. To protect against viruses, some USB flash drives have a small switch that, in one position, completely blocks the flash drive from writing to it. Look carefully, you may need to switch it.

When the flash drive is write-protected, there is a chance that you can remove the protection as follows: right-click on it, and after opening the context menu, select “Properties”. At the top of the form, select the “Access” tab. Next, use the option: “Advanced settings”, check the box next to “Share”. Other ways to remove protection:
If none of the above helps, the disk microprocessor may have failed. Restoring it is not easy, you need to find the right program and, with its help, try to open access to the flash drive, or rather restore it. Only the program must be from the manufacturer of this flash drive.

If the flash drive is infected with a virus, this may also make it impossible to write to it, scan it antivirus or healing utility Dr.Web CureIt and delete all files suspicious for a virus. In any case, if you suspect a virus, you should copy the necessary data and format the disk.

You can also try formatting a write-protected USB flash drive using a mobile phone.
April 20, 2014 3
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  1. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 17: 01
    Great article, I’ll go and destroy my boss’s flash drive. 
  2. Shaty
    1 December 2023 14: 55
    Oh my, I thought it was some kind of virus. But it turned out it was just write protection. Ahah. This is funny, if I hadn’t read the article, I wouldn’t have known.
  3. qwe45
    2 December 2023 14: 17
    useful article, I will know, thank you very much