How to perform a system rollback on Windows 7

Как сделать откат системы на Виндовс 7

The article will talk about three ways to return the system to a working state:
1. Recovery directly from under the system;
2. Recovery using safe mode;
3. Recovery using the Windows 7 installation disk. Recovering directly from under the system
This method is useful for those whose system boots and works, and it doesn’t matter how, the main thing is that it starts. For example, if some problems appeared after you installed several programs or drivers. However, deleting the programs did not bring back anything. In this case, a system rollback will save the situation.

To do this, click “Start” and enter “recovery” in the search bar. Among the search results we look for “System Restore”:
Как сделать откат системы на Виндовс 7

In the window that opens, immediately click “next”:

A list of recovery points will be displayed in the window that opens. Select the one that is most convenient for you and click “Next”:

Now we will need to confirm the restoration. To do this, click the “Finish” button:

Windows will be a little annoying and ask you to confirm your actions again:

After this, system recovery begins. Be prepared to wait because it may take some time. After completion of the procedure will be performed perezagruzka systemy and a message indicating a successful operation will appear:

This is the end of the first method. If the problem persists, try choosing a different restore point.

Recovering using Safe Mode:
So, the second method should help those whose system does not boot normally in the usual way. Practice has shown that this method is most often the most effective.

To enter Safe Mode, you need to restart your computer and immediately press the F8 key. If everything is done correctly, a menu will appear in which you need to select an option to boot the system. We will need to “Safe Mode” and press the “Enter” key.

We wait a little while for the system to boot. Now open “System Restore” exactly as described in the first paragraph. If you have done a restore before, then a new item will appear on the page that opens that will roll back the system (a tautology, but it’s true). We will need the item “Select another recovery point” and click the “Next” button (if there was no recovery before, then you just need to immediately click “Next”).

The remaining actions do not differ from those described in the first paragraph.

Restoring using the Windows installation disc:
This method is described last, since for it you must have an installation disk (or bootable flash drive) systems. This method has its pros and cons. For example, it will help if safe mode does not start. Such cases can be called the most severe.

So, insert the disk into the drive and boot from it. If everything is done correctly, a window appears with a choice of language. Select the most convenient one and click “Next”. On the next window you need to select “System Restore”:

The computer spends some time searching for installed systems. If there is more than one, then select the one you need and click “Next”. Now you should select “System Restore”. In the future, the process is very similar to the previous two methods:

In the window that opens, click “Next”:

We select a rollback point and click “Next”:

Next, click “Finish” and agree to all warnings. After this, we wait until the recovery is completed and reboot the system.
January 09, 2014 2
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  1. Shaty
    2 December 2023 13: 34
    Who knew that it was necessary to create system restore points... Eh, that's a shame. 
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