How to reset your password on Windows 8?

Как сбросить пароль на Windows 8?

This procedure is quite complicated. At the same time, if you strictly follow our instructions, you can easily restore access to your system and, therefore, your files. Starting with Windows 8, there are two types of accounts: local account and Microsoft account. If you have not broken the connection between LiveID and Windows, then everything is much simpler than it seems - resetting the password will be no more difficult than resetting the password in the mail (in fact, this is so).

If you switched to a local account, it will be more difficult to reset. Therefore, we will start with resetting the local account password.

You will need an installation disk or bootable flash drive with Windows 8 or 8.1 installed on them. You can also create a recovery disk on another Windows 8 computer by searching for an available Windows 8 computer by typing “Recovery disk” and following the instructions for creating the disk.

But we will consider the option of downloading the installation disk.

In the "Windows Installation" window, wait until two buttons appear: Install and System Restore. We press the second one.

Select the item "Diagnostics. Restore the computer, return the computer to its original state, or use additional tools."

In the "Advanced parameters" item, launch the command line and enter the following: copy c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\ , najimaem Enter.
Enter further copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe, also press Enter and confirm the file replacement. Remove the flash drive/disk reboot the computer.

Now on the login window, click on the “Special Features” icon, or click hotkey combination Win+U. The command line will open again, in which we enter net user username new password. A username consisting of several words must be enclosed in quotation marks: User, "New User".

Close the command line and log in with the new password!

Now - about what we have done. Through diagnostics, we replaced the Accessibility utility program utilman.exe with the command line cmd.exe to gain access without entering a password. Then we entered a simple command to change the password. We hope you were able to reset the password on your Windows 8. This method is also valid for Windows 8.1, and even, probably, for older systems. Good luck!
December 23, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 11: 25
    I had to use a bootable USB flash drive, nothing can be done.