Is the muff slowing down? Speeding up the Mozilla Firefox browser

Мазила тормозит? Ускоряем браузер Mozilla Firefox

With each subsequent version update Mozilla Firefox  System memory consumption increases and page loading speed decreases. This is quite logical, because the browser is becoming more powerful and functional. How to configure and optimize its operation? This will be discussed in this article. Removing unnecessary bookmarks and toolbars

Over time we'll get along like this v lyubom browser that there are a whole lot of active bookmarks, and toolbars , which were accidentally embedded during the installation of any programs, became an inseparable part. All these great additions, of course, make life easier for the user, but you should use your computer resources wisely. And this means that you need to sort all this wealth and remove the unnecessary.

Cleaning history to the browser

Clearing Mozilla Firefox history is quite simple. It's a matter of a few seconds.
To do this, just click hotkey combination "Ctrl" + "Shift" + "Del". After which a dialog box will appear in which we check the boxes that we are going to delete. We also select for what period and click the “Delete now” button.

Мазила тормозит? Ускоряем браузер Mozilla Firefox

Making Mozilla Firefox faster with SpeedyFox and Firetune

First, download free programs from the official website. Then close the browser and launch the SpeedyFox program first. There is only one button available in its window: “Speed ​​Up My Firefox”. In newer versions this button is called "Optimize". We press it. After this, the program will independently make the necessary changes to the browser configuration file.

Now we launch the second Firetune utility. Its interface is also quite clear and contains no secrets. The picture shows that the main window immediately shows all available actions. Make your choice and click the “Configure” or “Tune it” button.

Reducing RAM consumption

Launch Mozilla Firefox. Manually enter about:config in the address bar. If you simply paste it, the search engine will find quite a large number of interesting articles on the Internet where this combination of words appears, but not browser settings. After entering, press “Enter”. A warning should appear on the screen as in the picture.

Click the “I promise I’ll be careful!” button and start making changes.
At the top (marked with number 1 in the figure) we enter the parameter browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers into the filter. Click on it twice. In the window that opens, change its value to “0” (in the picture under the number 2).

After that, right-click on this line. From the list that appears, select “Create” and then “Logical”.

In the dialog box that appears on the screen, enter the value “true”.

Close the settings page and restart the browser.
This is how we reduced browser data caching in minimized mode. We also reduced the loading of viewed pages, which is used to execute the user’s “Back” command.

Speed ​​up loading sites

As in the previous paragraph, launch Mozilla Firefox. We manually enter about:config in the address bar and agree to be careful.
Next, enter network.http.pipelining into the filter. Double-click on the line that appears and set the parameter value to “true” in the dialog box.

Now we look for network.http.proxy.pipelining in the filter and by two clicks on the line we assign it the same value “true”.

The network.http.pipelining.maxrequests parameter must be set to “32”. To do this, double-click on the line and write “32” in the dialog box that appears.

Now you need to create a new configuration parameter. To do this, right-click on an empty space in the browser settings window. Then select Create / Whole from the list. In the name we write nglayout.initialpaint.delay and press the “OK” button, and in the value we write “0”.

And again we turn to the filter with the request network.dns.disableIPv6. Set this parameter to “false”.

We check for the presence of the content.notify.backoffcount parameter. If it doesn’t exist, then create (Create/Integer) and assign the value “5”.

We do the same with the ui.submenuDelay parameter. We just assign it the value “0”.

We create the plugin.expose_full_path parameter as Create/Boolean. assign it the value “true”.

In order for all changes to take effect and you can check the result, close the settings page and restart the browser. Then you can check the result.

With the help of such manipulations, we increased the number of requests sent to the server to quickly establish a connection, and therefore load the page. The settings for rendering the loading page have also changed, which significantly affect the operation of Mozilla Firefox.

Before moving on to the browser itself, it would be a good idea to run a defragmentation of the disk on which it is installed. This can not only significantly improve the performance of Mozilla Firefox, but also of the entire computer as a whole.
By default, programs are installed on the “C” drive, so I’ll give an example on it.

Disk Defragmenter
So, open the disk defragmentation window. To do this, go to “My Computer”, right-click on the “C” drive and click “Properties”.

Next, click “Service”.

Now select “Optimize”.

In the next window you need to click the “Defragmentation” button.

After which a window will appear showing the defragmentation process. Different colors indicate areas of the disc that have previously undergone this procedure or not.

After launch, defragmentation will be carried out independently without user intervention. This can take quite a bit of time. There are quite a lot of ways to boost Mozilla Firefox. And you don’t have to be a professional to make your browser, and at the same time your computer, work faster.

SpeedyFox free

Official website of the developers
January 26, 2014 11
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  1. Ivan
    29 November 2014 10: 16
    The settings were very useful, thank you very much to the author, now the mozilla flies.....
  2. Vladimir
    3 May 2015 01: 17
    The address format is incorrect

    The URL is invalid and cannot be loaded.

    Website addresses are usually written in the format
    Make sure you use a forward slash (i.e. /) as the delimiter.

    This is what Mazilla shows me when I enter about:config.
  3. Nikolaybogdanovich
    14 May 2015 09: 43
    Vladimir, аbout:config must be entered without a dot at the end...
  4. Mika
    5 August 2016 08: 56
    I just made the settings using about:comfig. no rights for the rest(
    Will there be an effect?
  5. Kait.15
    6 August 2016 10: 27
    Mika, no, everything needs to be done comprehensively.
  6. Lily
    25 August 2016 14: 53
    Nothing in this article is true at all. All my actions according to the advice turned out to be failures... According to аbout:config there is 100% no window, and so on and so forth... In general, this is not the only article...!!!
  7. Kait.15
    26 August 2016 09: 15
    Lily, when you go to about:config, you don’t see anything at all or you can’t find the parameter required in the article? The article provides fairly effective ways to solve the problem, the main thing is that they must be implemented comprehensively.

    If these methods together do not bring results, you should suspect viral activity and run a deep system scan on your computer.
  8. Top
    23 November 2023 20: 31
    Thank you very much, the browser has really sped up, top infa, thank you!
  9. Shaty
    2 December 2023 15: 45
    Damn, why didn’t I know about Speed ​​Up My Firefox before? It's so convenient. 
  10. despot
    3 December 2023 21: 08
    Thank you very much, the browser actually began to lag less, top!
  11. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 12: 17
    I speeded up my browser! Now everything works well and quickly!