Connection problem or invalid mmi code

Проблема подключения или недействительный код mmi

If, when you try to make a call, send an SMS or make a request for account balance, a message about a connection problem and an invalid MMI is displayed on the phone screen, then you should do simple manipulations to restore the connection. There is nothing complicated about them and even an inexperienced user can perform them. First, a quick introduction to the MMI code

The MMI (Man-Machine Interface) code is used to generate a USSD request from the keyboard of a mobile device. It starts with an asterisk and ends with a hash. When performing more complex queries within code, an asterisk is used to separate parameters.
We usually use such combinations when requesting balance information, validity period, at replenishing your account etc.
Sometimes, when performing such a request, an error is displayed on the screen: “Connection problem or invalid MMI code.”
There are several ways to resolve this error.

SIM card problem

Like all electronic products, the SIM card is subject to physical wear and tear and may not function correctly. To correct the connection error, you must contact the service center to replace the card. However, the phone number will remain the same. It is recommended to replace the SIM card every 2 years.

Insufficient 3G coverage

Mobile operators are constantly improving their coverage capabilities and using third-generation 3G communications, but it does not always work as expected.
Modern telephones are also prone to modernization. For this reason, by default they use the ability to automatically connect to GSM/WCDMA. But with 3G connectivity interruptions, this network is not always stable.

To eliminate the error when there is insufficient coverage, you need to set GSM network in the following way:
- go to the phone settings;
- then go to the “Network” menu and select “Mobile networks”;
- in the “Network mode” setting, change the network mode to “GSM only”;
- reboot the phone.
This mode does not have to be changed permanently. After a while, try turning on the previous network mode again. New coatings allow you to use smartphones to the fullest: high-quality video communication, use of high-speed Internet, etc. But this does not always mean comfort if the coverage is insufficient or is constantly being improved.
January 28, 2014 12
Enter the code below:*
Click on the image to update the code if it is illegible
  1. aldar
    23 October 2014 17: 21
    I tried all the options, still an error. The balance is checked, incoming calls are accepted, the 3g network is normal... I inserted a SIM card into another phone and everything works. Tel Pantek Vega Iron. Operator MegaFon. What should I do?
  2. adminvag5
    23 October 2014 18: 49
    Aldar, I didn’t quite understand the essence of your question. What's the problem if calls, balance and internet are ok?
  3. rsdm
    29 October 2014 11: 52
    Phone xiaomi rr1s. Rostelecom connection. In the “preferably 3g” or “only 3g” mode, the connection and the Internet work from 5 minutes to an hour, then the Internet and connection disappear, although all the network links remain. When sending a ussd request it says "network error or incorrect mmi code".
    I reflashed it, replaced the SIM card, tried all the settings - nothing helps.
    In 2g mode, the connection is fine, but after a long time the Internet stops working - a reboot solves all the problems. But you can’t sit comfortably on 3g.
    The SIM card worked fine on the previous phone. I tried a megaphone SIM card, but only for 3 hours, everything was fine.
    That suggest?
  4. timur
    13 December 2014 01: 13
    Everything seems to be working, but the ussd request for the service guide beyond the menu does not work when selecting other options
  5. Karina
    16 May 2015 21: 14
    Good evening. No matter what I tried, I still get the MMI error and the SIM is a new phone Samsung alpha 32gb
  6. Julia
    28 May 2015 22: 30
    Hooray!!! Thank you! Earned!!
  7. Azar
    2 June 2017 12: 21
    I did as you recommended
    But again the MMI code gives an error
    Please help
  8. Kait.15
    4 June 2017 10: 05
    Azer, have you replaced the SIM card with a new one?
  9. Ed
    12 August 2017 09: 22
    Try executing the query by adding a comma at the end, i.e. for example *100#, (a comma is placed by holding down the asterisk button).

    Problem solved! In the “calls” - “location” settings, disable the “default country code” option, and everything will work! In different versions, Android is located in different menu groups. This parameter substitutes the country code “+7”, “+3”, etc. This is why requests stop working.
  10. Max
    23 October 2018 19: 15
    People, clear the call log!!! Helped me
  11. Shaty
    2 December 2023 15: 59
    In my case, this is most likely insufficient 3g coverage. It seems so to me. 
  12. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 12: 20
    I found my problem! it turns out to be so easy to fix! Thank you!