What is anti-plagiarism and how is it used on the Internet?

Что такое антиплагиат и как используется в интернете

Internet users are interested in new, interesting and unusual data. Texts on websites must always be unique, something that search engines cannot find on the Internet. Copying texts from other resources will be considered plagiarism. Search engines block sites with plagiarism if they do not contain links to the original source. The article should not contain many links. Otherwise, search engines will take the article as spam and block it. Why is uniqueness needed? 

Search engines cannot store all the information. They don't have much hard drive space. Search engines delete many copies and leave only the originals. If during the indexing process they encounter non-unique content, they simply ignore it. Search engines store only unique information on hard drives.

Anti-plagiarism - a computer program that detects matches of certain parts of the text. The texts themselves may not be plagiarized. These can be links, quotes and statements, etc. When writing an article, authors can use their own text and different sources of information. Many authors write texts to order, and they are responsible for the work performed. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an article about a fashion brand or an article about construction, any performer will be interested in the uniqueness of his article. No client wants to have texts on their website that competitors may claim rights to.

When buying or selling your article, no one is able to find any copies on the Internet due to the abundance of information. And he doesn’t have enough time for this. This is where you will need an anti-plagiarism program that can clearly analyze the information and check the article for uniqueness. Such a check will help in the article to avoid copying phrases or speech patterns or simply repetitions.

The anti-plagiarism algorithm determines the degree of uniqueness of documents. The program database is open Internet sources, including a database of abstracts. Text checking begins with downloading the article. The program perceives the text under study as a set of sentences. Each sentence consists of a set of words. During verification, the program compares each sentence in the text with sentences that are in the system database. If the words or their order in a sentence match the words in sentences from the database, then this will be considered plagiarism.

If the anti-plagiarism program does not find any matches in these search engines, then the text being checked is unique.

If the text is downloaded completely or in pieces from the Internet, the program will indicate links to all primary sources and the percentage of uniqueness of the text.

Currently, there are several anti-plagiarism programs that are designed to determine the uniqueness of the text:

Etxt. Anti-plagiarism;
Advego Plagiatus;
• Text;
• Anti Plagiarism. The uniqueness of the text in different areas of information is identified differently.

Anti-plagiarism programs for checking texts for uniqueness

Download Etxt. Anti-plagiarism from the official website
Download Advego Plagiatusс from the official website
Download Text from the official website
Download Anti Plagiat from the official website
June 09, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    2 December 2023 16: 25
    No matter how many times I check my text in anti-plagiarism, the originality is always not the highest. I don't even know what the problem is.