Check spelling and punctuation online

Проверка орфографии и пунктуации онлайн

Checking spelling and punctuation online is now available to anyone with Internet access. And all thanks to services that usually provide this opportunity completely free of charge. Let's look at them.

There are specialized spell checking services online. There are quite a lot of them, although these resources are not widely known. Their quality of text checking is an order of magnitude superior to a text editor, for example the same Microsoft Word.

Perhaps the most famous service is Yandex.Webmaster, which allows you to check text already published on the Internet. To do this, you just need to enter the link and you will see all the errors. The service is far from perfect, but, in most cases, it finds many more errors than Word. If your article has not yet been published, you can check its “correctness” using Yandex.Speller. This service allows you to check the text. Errors are shown in a pop-up window along with a replacement suggestion.

A popular exchange has its own spell checking service. Advego, which in its arsenal has popular anti-plagiarism program. Multilingual check. The number of languages ​​is truly amazing. The quality of the check is also ahead of the usual Word. In addition to the fact that the service will point out errors to you, you will be able to get acquainted with interesting text statistics. This opportunity allows you to understand in advance the degree of attractiveness of your article for the reader.

Service DeepText, in addition to spelling errors, will also find morphological ones, which is very positive. You can edit directly in the editor built into the site.

A very simple service for checking spelling - ORFO. There is nothing that stands out, but it is quite functional, superior to Word in quality.
Artemy Lebedev’s own spell checking service is called speller. Checks both texts and websites. The quality of the check is good.

Service Spelling chart – checks texts well, but requires registration. It’s not scary if you use it regularly, but if you rarely need it, it can be intimidating.

The site You won’t be able to check the text, but it will tell you the correct spelling of the word. If you have any doubts, can be of great help. Naturally, these are not all verification services; moreover, new sites appear every day. It’s a pity that only a person can check a text one hundred percent, but perhaps in the near future the quality of online checking will be no worse than the services of proofreaders and linguists.
December 29, 2013 4
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  1. vlad
    4 November 2023 22: 01

    top article thanks now they know spelling better
  2. Nastya
    18 November 2023 14: 05
    You type something quickly and end up with errors, it’s good to immediately identify errors and punctuation
  3. Just4tw
    21 November 2023 12: 16
    Not a bad selection of services. In our illiterate times, they come in very handy. 
  4. Shaty
    1 December 2023 13: 53
    It seems to me that now these checks are necessary for almost everyone. Knowledge of native language is zero.