What to do if you can’t hear your interlocutor on Skype

Что делать, если в Скайпе не слышно собеседника

Everyone who communicates through Skype programs, at least once we have encountered a problem when the interlocutor is visible on the screen, but not heard. This problem completely blocks the possibility of full communication.

The reasons for the lack of sound can be different:

- unstable internet connection;

- a problem with the microphone of the interlocutor’s computer;

- incorrect operation of the speakers on your computer;

- the program fails, so use high-quality software, for example AlterCam With its help you can communicate not only on Skype, but via other video streams in excellent quality. 

Solving problems with Skype

If, when checking the operation of audio devices, no reasons are found, and the Internet connection is stable, then it is worth checking the sound settings in Skype.

To do this we launch Skype double click on the tray icon.

Что делать, если в Скайпе не слышно собеседника

In the main window at the top, click “Tools” and select “Settings”.

A window will appear with various program settings. We need to switch to the “Sound Settings” tab.

On the right side of the window we will see the microphone and speaker settings.

You can select the device you want to use from the list.

Checking the microphone

We make sure that the microphone is on, say any phrase and monitor the reaction of the volume level indicator. If, when pronouncing a phrase, the indicator fills with green, then the microphone is working properly.

Checking the speakers 

To check the speakers, press the green “Check speakers” button (1). This should be followed by the sound of a Skype call. We look at the filling level of the scale in green (2).

If everything suits you and the audibility is satisfactory, then save the working settings and restart the program. Let's check the result.

If after these manipulations there is no sound, you should connect another headset or microphone. 


June 22, 2014 2
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  1. lenkapddd
    22 November 2023 21: 38
    thank you very much! For a long time I couldn’t understand what to do in such situations, but thanks to your article I figured it out
  2. Shaty
    2 December 2023 18: 27
    Thank you, the instructions helped. Now I have delayed the sound and can hear everything well!)