Download GPS navigator CityGuide for free

CityGuide is a powerful application that offers an impressive range of features. In this article, we'll look at why CityGuide is your ideal travel guide, providing you with everything you need for a comfortable and safe trip. Download GPS navigator CityGuide for free


Card Selection: Variety of Your Options

CityGuide provides you with a wide selection of maps. You can choose between paid and free options. Here are some of them:

  • CityGuide: Maps with traffic jam support

CityGuide offers you maps that are constantly updated and take into account the current traffic conditions. This makes your travel more predictable and economical.

  • OpenStreetMaps: Free Alternatives

If you prefer free cards, OpenStreetMaps - It's a great choice. They are created by the community and are constantly updated. Your data will always be up to date.

  • Europe maps HERE from Nokia: Premium quality

For wider trips around Europe, CityGuide offers paid maps from Nokia. They guarantee reliable travel with high data quality.

Offline mode: saving battery and traffic

One of the wonderful features of CityGuide is the ability to work offline. This allows you to save battery and internet traffic, especially in remote areas where network access may be limited.

Instant route building

CityGuide creates optimal routes amazingly quickly. In addition, the application takes into account current traffic and provides you with accurate travel time information.

Traffic news: always up to date

CityGuide updates maps daily, meaning you're always stay informed about changes in road infrastructure. This includes information about road repairs, changes in traffic patterns and other important traffic events.


How to download CityGuide free on Android

To download the CityGuide application on Android for free from our website, follow the link below.

Download CityGuide free on Android


October 29, 2023 4
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  1. Stason
    5 December 2023 00: 12
    I configured the GPS for myself, it became cool to drive
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 00: 35
    Cityguide has a lot of different functions that turned out to be unusual for me 
  3. desspire
    6 December 2023 02: 45
    Thanks for providing the navigation solution. Let users comfortably move around the city using navigation.
  4. Basketball
    6 December 2023 14: 35
    The best and most effective navigator for travel, I recommend it