Turbo mode in Opera

Турбо режим в Опере

The Internet connection is not always stable, and sometimes it is simply slow. This is if we talk about home Internet. But the Internet is also needed at work, while traveling, in a cafe or at a ski resort. In these places, the Internet is offered via WiFi or mobile Internet. To make pages load faster in the browser in Опера Turbo mode is provided. It automatically turns on when Internet works very poorly. In numerical terms, the mode is activated when the Internet speed is less than 512 Kbps. What causes the speed to increase?

When the mode is activated, the web pages that we open are compressed directly on the Opera server by up to 80%. The site does not lose its markup, and all videos, animations and other Flash applications remain in their original form.

Thus, the volume of data is significantly reduced when compared to its original state. The user then loads the page in the browser much faster, since by loading less data, the speed of their display increases.

Does this affect the security of online transactions?

Users may have the impression that by using Turbo mode, the connection becomes insecure and all data passes through an intermediary. But that's not true.

All data you enter or submit to websites remains private because Opera's servers are not involved in establishing secure connections.

Turbo setting mode

The user has the opportunity to configure the mode independently by choosing one of the possible three methods:

- Automatic activation of the mode when the connection is slow.

- Constant operation of the mode without speed tracking.

- The mode is disabled no matter what the Internet speed is.

If you are in doubt which mode to use, use automatic.

Sometimes you need to find suitable illustrations of good quality on the Internet, but the Internet connection is weak and the pictures are loaded of poor quality. In this case, you need to right-click on the image and select “Show in full quality”.

To enable Turbo mode, you need to select “Tools” from the menu, then go to “Quick Settings” and check the box next to “Enable Opera Turbo”.

Турбо режим в Опере

Another way to enable the mode is to activate it by clicking on the icon located in the lower left corner of the browser.

To ensure that website data is compressed automatically when the Internet is slow, you should enable the appropriate mode. To do this, go to the menu, select “Tools”, and then open “Settings”. Here we go to the “Web Pages” tab and set “Automatic” in the drop-down window opposite Opera Turbo.

Before judging the operation of the mode, you need to test it on a slow Internet and work with the data on the page. Without a doubt, this browser feature makes it attractive to many users who prefer to travel with a netbook.
January 21, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 14: 13
    Maybe the opera eats too much, that's why it needs a turbo mode?