How to properly store your data

Как правильно хранить свои данные

So, what important information can be stored on a computer? For business people — these are various reports, various kinds of databases that should not be publicly available, passwords, etc. For ordinary users — photographs, the same passwords from various services, information that concerns only them.

How can this data be lost? For example, careless handling of the computer, especially when children are sitting at it, as well as viruses, system failures, hacker attacks, hard drive failure, etc. In fact, there are many reasons, I just listed the ones that came to mind. One of the main problems in this situation — it is only one copy of the data.

And now some advice on the main question — how to protect yourself from losing important data.

1. Always back up important data to another storage device.
If you have important data, then the best way to protect yourself from uninsured cases — creating copies of files. I repeat that it is on a third-party medium. The path will be an external hard drive or at least a regular flash drive that will not be used for other purposes. Saving a copy to the same media where the original files are located provides few guarantees, especially when the hard drive fails.

Как правильно хранить свои данные

If files were accidentally deleted, then stop saving anything to disk and run Recuva deleted file recovery program. If there is no result, then immediately take your computer to a service center. The faster this is done, the greater the chance of recovery.

2. Use the latest versions of antivirus programs.
If you have important data stored on your computer, then you should think hard about its security. Install the best antivirus products, such as Kaspersky Anti-Virus and ESET NOD32. I'm not saying that other antiviruses are worse, it's just that the products listed above have proven themselves only on the positive side. In addition, there is a wonderful opportunity that is worth mentioning separately: You can use trial versions of antiviruses for a month.

But for some reason, many users think that by installing an antivirus, their computer has become completely protected from all threats. Where does this stereotype come from? No antivirus provides a 100% guarantee of complete protection. Let there be even several of them who can work together. This will still not be a complete guarantee.

3. Use the latest software versions
In addition to the previous point, the use of outdated versions of programs also causes «holes» in system. It’s even worth thinking about why it is written in program version changes «bugs and security errors fixed». Every software developer monitors the security of their product. For example, Google pays several million dollars a year just to identify holes in its browser. Google Chrome to third party developers.
How to update it? Many programs can be updated automatically. Also on our website FreePrograms.Me you will find the latest software versions.

The same applies to the Windows operating system itself. After all, we are so used to downloading various assemblies like Zver DVD from unknown resources. It feels like we ourselves want to be hacked and deceived. As a result, even if we do not lose our data, we participate in attacks on various web resources without knowing it. Find out how to do it yourself? Write questions in the comments, I will tell you.

4. Use strong passwords

This is a completely hackneyed topic with which they can still reach users. And this is exactly what attackers take advantage of, without even making any special efforts. As a result — I’m surprised why I can’t get in touch with my classmates, or why my page was blocked. But someone else uses a bank card to conduct money transactions on the Internet. Hence the advice: do not use one password on several sites and create only complex passwords. There is plenty of information on this on the Internet. There are also special programs for storing such passwords and generating them. For example, Keepass. If you need a review, write in the comments, I will write for you. Also use our online password generation service.

A small example from life. Having used the computer and the Internet for several years now, I have heard many cases «hits» to a porn banner. However, I myself have never found myself in such a situation. Imagine my surprise when my brother asked me to surf the Internet. He wanted to watch videos on YouTube. Arriving about an hour later, I saw this wonderful picture that was brightly displayed on the desktop. Here's how you can catch a malicious banner in such a period of time. This must be talent.

From here still one conclusion. Even using all the tips above does not provide a complete guarantee of safety. Another main factor is ourselves, namely our knowledge of where to go and what to avoid. So if you want to be protected — learn this.

As always, we look forward to your comments and remarks. Perhaps someone can share their advice. Have a good day!

February 16, 2022 9
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  1. Stason
    5 December 2023 16: 44
    I always keep important files in a password-protected folder
  2. Tulip
    5 December 2023 22: 45
    The article is very useful, I took note for the future.
  3. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 13: 07
    I have super important information on a flash drive in a separate safe and there are definitely 2 copies there, just in case
  4. Basketball
    6 December 2023 21: 55
    Very important and useful information, I will follow your advice!