Free and fast anonymizer for social media. Odnoklassniki networks

Бесплатный и быстрый анонимайзер для соц. сети Одноклассники

Continuing the topic about the number of users, I would like to say that according to the published data of the network itself, the number of registered users has long exceeded 100 million and is now at around 135 million registered accounts. In addition, more than 30 million people visit the site every day. Since registration in the project became free in 2008, the popularity of the network has increased several times. Actually, for those who are wondering about searching for an anonymizer, there is no particular meaning in the interpretation of this word. But for those who have a quick idea of ​​what it is, I’ll explain. Anonymous – these are means for hiding from outsiders information about the user himself or his computer on the network. Using anonymizers, you can bypass restrictions on certain sites. However, recently, anonymizers have found another, no less interesting use.

Let's say the boss at work is unhappy that his employees use social media during working hours. networks, such as Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook, etc. He installs special software that monitors all computers on the network. With the help of an anonymizer, you can easily bypass your boss’s ban and use your favorite resources without restrictions. The same applies to parental prohibitions for a child to view certain sites on the Internet.

Anonymizer is good or bad, you decide! However, the fact remains that the demand for anonymizers is growing every day.

So, among the many paid anonymizers and those strewn with advertising, there are a couple of really good and free representatives:

1.Chameleon - - is the most popular anonymizer on the Internet.
2. is also a very well-known anonymizer.
3. - also a free anonymizer for Odnoklassniki and VKontakte.

The sites provide access without any restrictions to such sites as: VKontakte, Facebook, Mail.Ru, Loveplanet,, Youtube, of course Odnoklassniki and a number of others.

Caution! There are a lot of anonymizers on the Internet, so you should treat them with caution. After all, among them there are many scammers who can steal your login and password from the site. Therefore, it is recommended to use anonymizers only in the most necessary cases.

All that is required to start using the site through the anonymizer is to go to one of the sites listed above, enter the address of the site to which you want to gain hidden access and start using, by indicating your credentials in Odnoklassniki. We hope that the free anonymizer for Odnoklassniki will be useful to you. The article presented some of the most popular anonymizers for Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. If you wish, you can also find similar services. If possible, do not forget to thank the authors of anonymizers with monetary rewards, they deserve it. Beware of scammers!
October 09, 2014 3
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  1. rida
    18 March 2015 08: 25
    I was blocked by my classmates and I can’t use the chameleons to log in.
  2. Nikolaybogdanovich
    19 March 2015 10: 01
    Rida, Chameleon is a very famous anonomizer. Administrators know about it. The solution is to use lesser-known services. For example,,
  3. Shaty
    3 December 2023 16: 45
    Class. Now I can freely sit at work on Odnoklassniki.