Uninterruptible power supply for computer

Источник бесперебойного питания для компьютера

A PC user who has dedicated his career to freelancing is often puzzled by the question of how to reliably save the information that is currently being worked on. We will look at an effective method for storing computer information securely, even under unforeseen circumstances. In this case it means uninterruptible power supply for computer. Let's consider an ordinary case when work is carried out on a regular personal computer with installed Windows OS.

Uninterrupted operation of the computer is carried out by using a special Back-UPS node, which in our opinion is called an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for the computer.

The uninterruptible power supply protects the computer from power surges and also has a built-in battery, allowing the computer to operate when the power is turned off.

The built-in battery is designed to last so long that the user can safely complete all unfinished tasks that occur during a power outage on the computer.

The new uninterruptible power supply allows you to continue working on the computer in normal mode for about 30 minutes, however, when using a battery that has been in use, it is worth testing it in advance, because it may not have enough charge to fully complete tasks. But you shouldn’t focus too much on this, because... UPS equipped sound signal. When the battery charge approaches a minimum, the uninterruptible power supply makes itself known with a loud sound signal that is difficult to miss.

Types of uninterruptible power supplies.

1. Backup UPS – the simplest and most universal type of uninterruptible power supply, ideal for home use. If you just need to protect your computer “just in case,” then this type of uninterruptible power supply will be quite sufficient. If you experience frequent surges in voltage, then you should choose a different type of UPS, because... Voltage surges have a detrimental effect on battery life.

2. Line-interactive UPS – an ideal choice if the main problem is voltage surges (175-190 W). This type of UPS is equipped with an automatic voltage regulator, which, before switching to the battery, tries to correct the shape of the output voltage in the event of a decrease or increase in the signal in the external network.

3. Online UPS - the most serious type of uninterruptible power supply, which converts incoming energy into DC voltage and regenerates it online. Such an uninterruptible power supply is usually used in server rooms to protect sensitive equipment. It makes no sense to take a UPS online for home use. The bottom line: Uninterruptible power supply is a convenient and practical thing. If your work is not closely related to your home computer, then there will be little point in purchasing an uninterruptible power supply. Users working at home will appreciate this unit, which will be able to justify itself many times over at the very beginning.
November 25, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 20: 59
    Actually a very useful thing. No one is immune from power surges.