BIOS signals

Сигналы БИОСа

When you start your computer, The BIOS diagnoses its system using the POST program. It checks the computer hardware. The abbreviated inspection plan includes:

- Checking the integrity of BIOS programs in the permanent storage device by checking checksums.

- Search for controllers, connected devices and their initialization.

- Determines the size of the OP and tests its first segment

A full scan examines all components of the computer.

When we press the computer boot button, the first thing that is executed is the program that is located in the BIOS chip. That is, the system is scanned using Power-On Self Test.

It not only scans the system, but also prepares it for operation.

There are several diagnostic results:

- If a minor malfunction is detected, scanning stops and an error message with sound is displayed on the screen.

- If the scan is completed successfully and the result is positive, the system will emit a short single signal and then launch the OS boot routine.

- When the scan shows that there is a serious problem with the system, the POST program will stop the system and issue a series of signals that indicate the source of the problem.

It should be noted that different BIOS versions Errors are expressed differently. Therefore, it is worth knowing which version you have installed.

Below are the transcripts of the sound signals produced by the BIOS

Sometimes a long signal appears that changes in tone. It signals that the computer is overheating or has a malfunction power supply.

In this case, urgently disconnect the computer from the network, check the operation of all fans, coolers and radiators.

Be attentive to BIOS signals. Your participation can be the first step towards successfully resolving the problem.
20th September, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 15: 27
    Cool. I didn’t even suspect that this power-on signal meant anything.