Ntldr is missing what to do

Ntldr is missing что делать

So, on computers running Windows OS, an error such as ntldr is missing may occur. And most often this error appears on Windows XP. When this error occurs, the system asks you to restart a computer, but after reboot nothing changes. The error also remains. What to do in such cases? Do I need to immediately reinstall the operating system? First of all, it is worth knowing that NTLDR is a Windows OS boot file. If you delve into the content of this error, it is not difficult to guess that it means that this boot file is missing on your computer. And that is why the computer does not start the operating system.

It is worth noting that the computer may display the ntldr is missing error even if other files are missing, namely boot.ini and If these files are not on the system, then the probability of the ntldr is missing error appearing is very high.

Before talking about ways to eliminate this error, it is first worth understanding why it could have occurred. And there may be several such reasons.

It is most likely that the above files were deleted from the system or due to some viruses. The hard drive may also be to blame for this error. Perhaps your disk has failed and is not visible to the system, so booting to the OS does not occur.

If everything is in order with the hard drive, then the only problem is the absence of three files. The first way to resolve the ntldr is missing error is demolishing the old operating system and installing a new one. But this method is the most categorical. Yes, and it will take a lot of your time.

To resolve this error, you can do the following. You need to copy the three files that are listed above in the article to a flash drive. But it is worth noting that these files must be copied with exactly the same operating system.

These files will be located in the root folder of the hard drive. But to find them you need to allow the system to show hidden files. After that, you can easily find these files and copy them to the flash drive.

After this, you will need to go to Bios Setup of the computer on which the ntldr is missing error appears. Here you will need to configure booting from a USB drive. After that, insert the USB flash drive into the computer and start the system. In this case, the system should start successfully.

Once you start the system, you will need to copy the files from the flash drive to your hard drive. Copying must be done to replace existing files.

This is one way to resolve this error. If you cannot find and copy boot files and you have a boot disk with Windows XP, you can do the following. On the computer on which the error appeared, go to Bios again and set up booting from DVD-Rom.

After this, you will need to insert a boot disk with Windows XP into your computer's drive. Wait for a while for a blue screen to appear with a menu on it. It will all look something like this.
Ntldr is missing что делать

Next you will need to press the "R" button. This button will open the system recovery console. In the console you will need to press the button "1" and confirm this action with the " keyEnter". After this, a line with the following content will appear "C:\WINDOWS\".

After all this, there are several options for the development of the event. So, you can enter the command "fixmbr". This command will replace broken boot files in your OS with working ones. You can also copy boot files from a CD/DVD-Rom to your hard drive. To do this, you will need to enter the commands "copy e:\i386\ntldr c:\copy e:\i386\ c:\".

Once you have done all this, you will need to restart your computer and in most cases your operating system will start working. As you can see, any computer error can be resolved. The main thing is to stock up on time and patience.
November 29, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 06: 35
    Thanks for the instructions. Everything is clearly and clearly explained.