Services for listening to online radio

Сервисы для прослушивания онлайн-радио

Online radio is an opportunity to listen to all your favorite radio stations in one place!

With improved Internet speed and quality Listening to radio online becomes more convenient than listening to a traditional FM receiver.

Main advantages of online radio:
•absence of any interference that prevents you from enjoying the broadcast.
• ease of listening compared to traditional radios.
•huge selection of radio stations
(You are no longer limited to the list of radio stations broadcasting in your city)
•the ability to find broadcasts of absolutely any music. There are many different services for listening to radio online. Online radio is available both on separate websites and there are resources entirely dedicated to online broadcasting. There are even special programs for the computer. They allow you to listen to radio online and record music in one click. The most popular are:

pandora. com
You probably already know what Pandora is. It's an internet radio where you can create stations based on your favorite artists and songs. You can also mark songs as your favorites or dislikes, and add artists you'd like to listen to alongside those already on your radio station's playlist.

Сервисы для прослушивания онлайн-радио

With Pandora, you can share your musical tastes with Facebook users and Twitter. There are also mobile versions for iOS, Android and BlackBerry. 
This is what the authors themselves write about the project. The project has existed for a little over a year and a half, and is developing quite dynamically. Follow Me includes a radio, a collection of podcasts and mixes, as well as a blog where you can read about the latest music releases that fall under the station’s concept, events related to the station’s work, and its participation in various events.
One of the most popular internet radios today. Thanks to its functionality, this service deservedly stands out from similar ones.

As you can see, you can listen to music not only through your favorite iPod and good old Winamp. The Internet has all the conditions for comfortable listening to both your favorite compositions and for searching for something new and interesting. I advise you to try each item from this list and choose the best one for yourself.
December 06, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 07: 37
    Not a bad selection of services for listening to the radio.