d3d9.dll what is it?

d3d9.dll что это?

d3d9.dll is a file without which many games simply will not start. So why is this file so important?

The thing is that this file is an integral part of the distribution. DirectX package. Not only does it install with the DirectX distribution, it is also provided with the installation files of many games that require DirectX 9 or higher. Therefore, if you encounter a problem or error related to this file, first check if your DirectX version is "9 or higher". It is likely that you do not have DirectX installed at all, and then the problem can be solved very simply - by downloading the official DirectX installation file from and then restarting the computer. We hope you have resolved another problem with your computer thanks to this article. See you!
December 17, 2014 3
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  1. Max Rocky
    14 August 2015 09: 10
    that's why samp won't start
  2. Kait.15
    14 August 2015 11: 25
    Maks Rocky, what error are you getting?
  3. Shaty
    4 December 2023 10: 14
    You were right. The problem turned out to be with Direct X. Corrected it.