How to fix d3dx10_43.dll error

A problem with this file (missing or incorrect installation) can be encountered in a number of modern games, such as GTA IV or Battlefield 3. As we can see, the name contains d3d - abbreviated "Direct3D", a DirectX component.
We also see the number 10 - it means the 10th version DirectX package, which, in turn, means that the game is not that old since it uses this version of the package.
But stop imagining yourself as Sherlock Holmes - it's time to move on to solving the problem! And it, as a real detective expects, should now lie on the surface. We need DirectX 10! How, does it already exist? This means that something went wrong and this file was accidentally overwritten. It's okay, we'll reinstall DirectX again! If it was not on this computer, we will need it all the more.
So, to begin with, we go to the website - the most official website of Microsoft, and therefore DirectX too, since this program is the property of the Redmond company.
DirectX will be waiting for us in the downloads section - the latest and most relevant. Having installed it and restarting the computer, You will forever forget about the problem with d3dx10_43.dll! Finally, we would like to warn you that the operation of this file requires your video card to support DirectX 10 and higher. If your video card cannot support this distribution, unfortunately, nothing but buying a new video card can help you.