Download msvcr110.dll

Скачать msvcr110.dll

Just one small distribution kit can help you cope with the problem. Which? Find out below.

Quite often, users unknowingly believe that msvcr110.dll is a Windows system file, and its error is the result of a system crash, but not a reason reinstall Windows.

In fact, this is a file of an additional Visual C++ package from Microsoft, with the help of which many third-party programs launch and operate on your computer. The solution is obvious - you need to download Visual C++, install it on your computer and restart the system. We recommend doing this on the official website, in the "Download Center" section.

Don't forget to restart your computer after installing the program. As you can see, there is nothing deadly in this file. The msvcr110.dll library will be useful to you more than once, so installing Visual C++ is quite a good thing.
December 17, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 10: 23
    My Windows crashed and this error started popping up. It’s good that I at least googled the article before reinstalling Windows!