mss32.dll download

mss32.dll скачать

First of all, don’t panic when rushing reinstall Windows, and carefully read our website. In this article you will not only find complete information on this problem, but you will also be able to download this file - with explanations of what to install and where. This file is renamed "Miles Sound System 32-bit library". It is used mainly for old games, such as CS 1.6, GTA (before San Andreas) and the first parts of Call of Duty. It is audio software, an alternative to audio chips.

The problem with this file is corrected as follows: You download the mss32.dll file in the ZIP archive below, unpack it and copy this file to the Windows/System32 folder (or SysWOW64 if your system is 64-bit). After this it is necessary restarting the computer. Voila - you have restarted your computer and the game is now launching! Our congratulations! See you on the pages of our website!

Download mss32.dll for free

December 17, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 10: 27
    Thanks for the zip file. I had problems with CS because of him, but everything seems to have improved.