Setting up an SSD under Windows 7

Настройка SSD под Windows 7

An SSD, or “solid-state drive,” is an analogue of a HDD, which has both a number of advantages and a number of disadvantages. One of the main advantages is the fact that the system SSD (that is, the case when the system is installed on the SSD) is much faster than the system HDD. However, there is also such a terrible disadvantage as the risk of data loss - an SSD disk has a limited number of overwrites. Naturally, the first thing you think about is how to save the system from falling after just a few months, since such a disk is very short-lived?

In fact, a long SSD service life is possible, and it depends on your actions and your settings.

So, in order to reduce the number of rewrites of the TEMP partition, it should be moved to a regular HDD. To do this, you need to follow the path “My Computer” - “Properties” - “Advanced system settings, “Advanced” tab - “Environment Variables”. Here we select two environments - TMP and TEMP, then transfer them to the HDD.

Among the tips there is also disabling computer hibernation. Here, to each his own: if you often use this method of saving electricity and running files in the previous session, then there is no particular point in disabling this file. If you do not use hibernation at all, disable it: you will save both the disk and the memory on it.

Standard system protection also takes a fairly aggressive approach to data overwriting. If you have already found an effective replacement for standard system backup, then you need to go to “Properties” of “My Computer”, then go to “System Protection”. In the “System Protection” tab, click “Configure”, and then “Disable system protection”.

Advise and disable file podkachki. But we will do the smart thing and simply transfer it to the HDD and disable it on the SSD. Disabling the paging file is, in principle, fraught with some performance problems.

It will be very useful for the system SSD to disable Prefetch, a system boot acceleration technology. It is not needed for an SSD - the OS loading speed is already much higher than any standards. To disable Prefetch, we need to go to the Registry Editor (hot button combination Windows + R, in the window that appears, enter regedit) and find the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters. In it we look for the Enable Prefetcher parameter and change its value to 0.

Since we have disabled Prefetch, we will also disable its assistant logger - ReadyBoot. We are looking for the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\ReadyBoot. It contains the Start parameter. Its value is 0.

Let's go further into the disk properties and disable indexing. We remove the checkbox from “Allow the contents of files on this disk to be indexed in addition to file properties” - voila. This concludes the basic methods of saving SSDs from excessive overwriting and quick death. If you have questions about setting up this or that item, we are waiting for you in the comments! See you on the pages of our website!
December 18, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 10: 36
    Interesting tip about reducing rewrites of the TEMP section. I've never even heard of this method.