How to increase the page file?

Как увеличить файл подкачки?

Computers running the Windows operating system use something called a paging file, which is in some way an “extension” of your computer’s RAM, ensuring that programs can run normally even when RAM becomes insufficient. What is a paging file?

The swap file, also known as pagefile.sys, is a file that represents virtual memory, allowing the simultaneous execution of a large number of processes that physically cannot fit in the computer’s RAM.

How to increase the size of the swap file.

If you receive a message from Windows that your virtual memory is low, then you need to increase the minimum page file size.

Windows automatically sets the required paging file size, however, you can increase computer performanceby transferring this file to a disk on which the operating system is not installed.

The algorithm of actions is very simple.

Open the Start menu and right-click on Computer and open Properties.
Как увеличить файл подкачки?

In the computer properties window that opens, select “Advanced system settings.”

A small dialog box will open in which you need to go to the “Advanced” tab. In the “Performance” item, click on the “Options” button.

Another window will open in which you need to go to the “Advanced” tab and select the “Change” button.

Uncheck the “Automatically select paging file size” checkbox. A little lower you can see that the paging file is located on drive C. You need to remove it from here. To do this, select drive C, check the box “Without paging file” and select “Set” to save the changes.

Now you need to transfer the paging file to drive D. To do this, select drive D, check the “Specify size” option, enter the values ​​and click the “Set” button. From the screenshot below you can see that you can specify two values: “Original size” and “Maximum size”. The initial size must be equal to the physical amount of your RAM, and the maximum size value must be twice as large. Let’s say if your computer has 2 GB of RAM, then in the “Original size” item you set 2 GB, and “Maximum size” – 4 GB.

If your RAM capacity is above 8 GB, then it is recommended to leave the “Size by system choice” option.

Click OK to finish and restart your computer. We hope that these tips were useful to you and you significantly increased the performance of your operating system.
November 19, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 45
    At work, the main memory of the computer was clogged. Now I will try to help him with your instructions.