Why should I disable Superfetch on my SSD?

Superfetch is a technology from Microsoft that speeds up system performance by arranging certain system files on the hard drive in such a way that they can correlate with each other in the most optimal way for achieving the best performance. However, there is an opinion that this technology “kills” SSDs and should be disabled. So, this opinion is nothing more than a “myth”. It is quite controversial, but there is a clear explanation why it should not be followed 100%.

The thing is that the release of the SSD happened before the introduction of this technology in Windows. Therefore, the system can already take into account the type of drive itself: SSD or HDD.

Another thing is that disabling SuperFetch will completely apply to all drives - be it SSD (where, I repeat, it does not turn on anyway) or HDD (where this technology is largely necessary).

So, the conclusion from this is simple: by disabling SuperFetch in the system, you deprive the HDD of its ability to optimize, and at the same time do nothing for the SSD.

It is worth noting that some manufacturers in their instructions or proprietary utilities recommend disabling SuperFetch - in this case, of course, it is better to follow this advice. But if the manufacturer has never told you about the dangers of SuperFetch for its SSD model, then you shouldn’t move. If you you own an SSD, then, based on the results of this article, you can understand that Superfetch simply does not activate on the SSD, and running and turning it off is useless.
December 23, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 11: 27
    Damn, maybe this killed my ssdshnik... Just interesting.