How to make a Wi-Fi hotspot in Windows 8?

Как сделать точку доступа Wi-Fi в Windows 8?

Creating a hotspot in Windows 8 is easy, and there are two ways to do it. The first way is to use system capabilities. The second way is to use a third-party program. The choice of method is yours.[u][/u] Method 1. Do it yourself.

Windows 7 users who created an access point in this way remember that a wizard was used for this purpose. Unfortunately, the GXNUMX doesn’t have it, so you’ll have to create everything yourself.

Before you start creating, make sure you have turned on your wireless adapter.

1. Open a command prompt with Administrator rights. You can do this like this: click hotkey combination Win + X and in the menu that opens, select “Command Line (Administrator)";
2. write in it netsh wlan show drivers and push Enter;
3. Among the received text, look for the line “Hosted network support" Opposite this sentence should be the meaning “Yes" Only in this case will it be possible to create Wi-Fi network. If the value is “no“, then you won’t be able to create anything;
4. without closing the command line, write in it netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Your_network_name key=WiFi_password (you need to come up with and enter the SSID and KEY data yourself. Let’s say netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Alex_05 key=qwerty. Of course, the password needs to be more complex and reliable);
If after entering this command you receive the error "Failed to start hosted network", then write the following on the command line:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode = disallow
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow

Without closing the command line, go to the device manager, expand the section "Network adapters" and look for "Hosted Network Virtual Adapter" Right-click on it and select "Engage" or "Insert».
Switch to the command line and write in it netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Your_network_name key=WiFi_password keyUsage=persistent;

5. After we have created a software access point, we need to launch it. To do this, on the command line we write netsh wlan start hostednetwork. If you did everything correctly, you should receive the following response: “Hosted network is running";
6. Now you need to open Internet access. To do this, click Win + R i vvodim commando ncpa.cpl and click "OK";
7. find the newly created point (you can identify it by the Wi-Fi name (SSID) that you recently came up with along with the password), usually it has the name “Local Area Connection* 1”. Click on this point with the right mouse button and select “<font><font>Materials</font></font>";
8. switch to the “ tabAccess" and put a check mark next to the parameter "Allow other users to use this computer's Internet connection";
9. in the drop-down list "Connecting your home network"select the connection we just created and click "OK";
10. You can check the result by trying to find the created network from a mobile device or another PC.

Method 2. Using special software.

If creating an access point yourself is too tedious, you can use special software. For example, the Connectify program. Read about where to download it, how to work with this program and create an access point here Analogue programs MyPublicWiFi or Virtual WiFi can also be an excellent replacement for Connectify. It’s up to you to choose which of these programs and, in general, of both methods is more convenient.
January 14, 2015 3
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