Dumpper Wi-Fi: downloading, installing and using the program

Dumpper Wi-Fi is a program for guessing a Wi-Fi password, which will be useful when testing a wireless network for vulnerabilities or when you have forgotten its password. Now we will tell you where to download, how to install and how to use this program correctly.
Download and installation
To use the Dumpper program, in addition to it, you will need another utility, JumpStart, which is capable of accessing wireless networks if you have a router pin, which is usually indicated on the back of the router.
Both programs are freely available for download. To do this you just need to go follow this link https://disk.yandex.ru/d/v3mHZKz-dLGVfg and download the archive with files via Google Drive (the archive does not have viruses).
After downloading the archive, unpack it to a convenient location on your computer. Next, go to the folder with the downloaded programs, go to the JumpStart folder and install this utility by double-clicking the left mouse button on the setup.exe file.

The JumpStart installation process itself is not complicated. Follow the installer's instructions until JumpStart is installed and its shortcut appears on your desktop.
Using Dumpper
Once the JumpStart utility is installed, you can safely launch Dumpper.
After launching the Dumpper client, you will see the program window. Click the button Scanso that the utility can detect all currently available Wi-Fi access points.

Select the desired point by left clicking the mouse, then go to the tab WhatsApp.
In this tab, check the box next to Todas Las redes, and at the bottom of the program window, specify the path to the folder where the already installed JumpStart utility is stored.
To start the program, click on the button Initiator JumpStart, after which you will be redirected to the JumpStart window.

After completing these steps, the above utility will provide you with a PIN code for the selected access point.