Battery won't charge on new laptop

Hello! If something happens to your battery, it doesn’t matter. Most modern battery diseases have long been known to science. Many of them can be eliminated quite easily, at the software level or by calibration. Others may require a more thorough approach to the problem and greater costs for troubleshooting. Be that as it may, in this article we will consider in more detail everything related to batteries and ways to eliminate their breakdowns. It's worth starting with the fact that it's not always about the battery. The charging problem can be related to both the battery and the charger. A broken socket or plug is also a significant problem. What am I talking about: first you need to localize the problem. You need to know exactly what caused the malfunction and only then begin to eliminate it. Agree that buying a new battery when the charger wire is frayed is at least stupid.

Let's take a closer look at possible breakdowns and their symptoms. In the case when the laptop turns on and works, but the battery does not charge, the problem is most likely really in the battery itself. But, if suddenly your device, connected to the mains, does not turn on at all or reboots and generally behaves strangely, then the problem is absolutely not with the battery.

So, in the first case, a laptop computer connected to the network is successfully powered by electricity directly, with power supply, while the battery is ignored altogether. In the second case, the state of the battery does not matter, since the device connected to the network, in principle, does not receive electricity. This is a sign of problems with the charger.

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The charger is that little black box with wires. It consists of a power supply and the actual wires. A power supply is a contraption that turns alternating current from a wall outlet into direct current - usable by your computer.

Accordingly, there may be several problems with the charger. The first is that the wires may simply break or fray. The second problem is that the power supply may overheat and break. This is why manufacturers recommend not covering the charger; it must be well cooled. In addition to overheating, power supplies die from large power surges or component wear. And the last problem is the plug itself, it can be bent or broken.

To solve problems with the charger, you need to inspect it. It is worth carefully checking the plug and its connection socket. They should be even, fit tightly to each other, not fall apart and not sparkle. Inspect the wires for serious damage. The wiring could have been broken or frayed in several places. Well, the easiest way is to test the circuit with a multimeter, if you have one, or using improvised means.

Based on the results of checking the charger, you can understand what to do next. Broken wires can be soldered, but in the case of a broken power supply, you need to buy a new charger. If the tests show that everything is fine and the outlet you are working with is working, you need to move on to diagnosing the battery itself.

Checking the condition of the battery should begin with examining the battery itself. Unlock and open the battery compartment and remove it. The battery must not be swollen or damaged. Such batteries are explosive, be careful with them, they are absolutely unstable and can explode at any moment. It is best to dispose of such a battery, and immediately. Your health, like a broken one, is more valuable.

Having finished inspecting the case, look at the battery contacts. They must be clean and smooth, without signs of deformation or deep scratches. If the contacts are oxidized, clean them with a fine-grained sandpaper. Make sure the battery is firmly in place and inserted into the connector correctly.

If all these methods did not help and the battery remains dead, then you should contact a service center. If your device is still under warranty, the repair will be free, which is very nice. In this case, it is worth demanding a new battery to replace a non-working one. Because repairing the old one will not give the desired effect. In extreme cases, the battery will last you several months, after which the problems will return again.

If your battery charges, but takes a very long time to charge, or if it discharges quickly, calibrate it. The battery calibration process is simple and relatively quick. Many modern manufacturers equip their laptop computers with utilities - special programs for calibrating the battery. Open the program, start the calibration process and wait. The program itself will notify you of its completion.

If you do not have such programs, you should calibrate manually. Manual calibration is the simplest action, which means discharging the battery to zero and charging it to 100%. The operation must be repeated 2-3 times for a noticeable effect.

Under no circumstances should you take a screwdriver and pick at the battery; you won’t be able to fix it anyway, and it’s easy to harm yourself. Even the most dexterous Chinese who assembled this battery will not be able to disassemble it.

In the rarest cases, the reason for the laptop not charging may be the presence of viruses on the computer. If possible, be sure to scan your system using healing utility Dr.Web CureIt. As you can see, the reason is not always the battery, and many other factors may prevent the battery from working properly. A methodical analysis of the causes will allow you to accurately determine the battery defect, and the recommendations in this article will help you eliminate it. Best wishes!
January 22, 2015 2
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 15: 57
    I have the same problem with charging, but I think. that the battery simply died.
  2. ahhlov
    6 December 2023 19: 08
    I thought my laptop was broken! thank you very much! charging!