How to reset the BIOS on a laptop to factory settings?

Laptops, just like desktop computers, also have a BIOS, a huge range of settings and exactly the same reset technology. We'll tell you later how to reset the BIOS to factory settings. You immediately need to divide your problems into two parts: when you can enter the BIOS and when you cannot.

Let's deal with the simple part. We can zayti v BIOS and configure everything yourself. In this case, we need one of the last screens (or one of the last lines) of the BIOS, in which we will find an item that roughly reads something like “Set as Default”, “Reset to Default”. Press this button, confirm the choice (sometimes you need to press Y and Enter) - laptop reboots.

If we cannot enter the BIOS, everything is somewhat more difficult. More or less knowledgeable PC users may recall the CMOS battery, through which a quick and guaranteed BIOS reset is carried out. However, how can you find it on a laptop?

Yes, there is also a CMOS battery in the laptop, but access to it is very difficult. Most likely, you will have to contact a specialist, since the battery may have to be unsoldered. However, if you have nothing to lose, you can remove the back cover - the battery will probably be somewhere nearby and it will be easy to remove. After removing the battery (not to be confused with the laptop battery! It looks like a large tablet the size of a nickel), wait up to 10 minutes and insert it back, put everything back together and turn on the computer. The BIOS should have been reset and access to the computer should have been restored again. We hope we have helped you with your problem with resetting the BIOS to factory settings on your laptop. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them in the comments. See you!
February 06, 2015 1
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