Motherboard problems

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In fact, it is impossible to call the motherboard the main part of the computer: yes, work is completely impossible without it, but it will be impossible without a processor and without a power supply. However, its malfunctions can subsequently damage individual parts installed in it. The most common cause of motherboard failure is power surges in the home. This may not be noticed by the average user, however, with the help of certain devices, it is possible to determine that surges exist in every apartment: some have more, some have less.

You can prevent the death of the motherboard from surge voltage with the help of voltage stabilizers and competent network filters: in total, they provide a voltage of no more than 220V, allowing you to keep it “in check” and not supply excess to the computer and other devices. Once you purchase such an intricate device, you will save many devices for a longer period.

You can find out what exactly is wrong with the motherboard using a special signal. Many people probably hear a certain “beep” when the system starts - this is exactly the same signal from the motherboard, namely the BIOS. By giving different tones and number of signals, this “beeper” allows you to determine the type of problem.

Also, the motherboard can fail when using too powerful or too weak power supplies. Naturally, it is not recommended to install a 300W power supply on a Core i7 with 16 gigabytes of RAM, and a 500W power supply will be too much for the Celeron. This moment needs to be determined very competently. The conclusion from all this is that, basically, the motherboard fails due to the fault of the electrical network. One way or another, the inability to distribute voltage to the computer sharply reduces the service life of the system unit in general and the motherboard in particular.
February 08, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 22: 14
    I don’t know how much someone will help me, but I bought stabilizers in the hope that the computer would not burn out from voltage surges.