How to choose a laptop stand with cooling

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Since you can’t cram coolers into a laptop, you need to use alternative cooling methods. A laptop stand with cooling comes to the rescue. And today we will talk about how to choose the right stand. Naturally, you need to start with the brand. “The miser pays twice” - and this saying is very true when buying a cooled stand. Cheap stands quickly break down, overheat, or don't cool properly. An overpayment of even a few hundred rubles will play an important role, because... you will not encounter problems such as overheating and abrupt shutdown of laptop. Therefore, look at the brand and take the one that is most familiar.

Size is also important - the stand should not be smaller, but there is no point in taking a large stand. See the stand for the dimensions of the laptop.

The degree of cooling depends on how powerful the laptop is and how hard it is driven. If your laptop occasionally runs office toys and is generally needed for work with Microsoft Office or other office programs - you don't need a stand with strong cooling. If you play top games on your laptop for 15 hours a day, naturally, take the most powerful stand. We've covered the main points, but the choice, as always, is yours! Rely on reviews when purchasing, don’t “cheap” - and then you can choose what you need!
February 05, 2015 1
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  1. Shaty
    4 December 2023 21: 04
    I've been wanting a laptop stand like this for a long time.