How to correctly determine the laptop model

Как правильно определить модель ноутбука

As you might have guessed from the title of the article, we will talk about how to find out your laptop model. This procedure is necessary if your laptop needs repair, because Most users, indicating the wrong model of their laptop, cannot receive qualified repair assistance from specialists. As a result, both the customer and the contractor will lose time. Almost all laptop manufacturers have so-called lines or “model range”. Each line has several series of laptops. Those. each line has several series, and each series includes a number of models. Laptops of different series, as a rule, differ quite significantly: in design, price, screen size, etc. Laptop models of the same series for the most part do not differ in external design, but have different hardware.

The laptop model can be found on the back of the cover or in its documentation. The photographs below show examples of the location of information about models from different manufacturers.
Как правильно определить модель ноутбука

For some manufacturers, for example, Hewlett-Packard, information about the laptop model may be located under the battery.

As you can see, find out the model laptop used is not difficult. But if you still have difficulties, leave your comments at the end of the article.
November 17, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 19: 41
    Exactly. I didn’t even think to look at the model on the back of the cover.