The laptop turns off by itself: what is the reason and what to do?

Ноутбук выключается сам по себе: в чем причина и что делать?

It is quite an unpleasant phenomenon when the laptop turns off by itself. And before doing anything, it is still necessary to identify the cause. Possible reasons for shutdown

- Overheating. The most common reason for a laptop to suddenly turn off. The thing is that modern motherboards are protected from overheating by a special cooling system, which includes a fan and a radiator. In turn, the latter consists of metal plates that do not fit tightly to each other. During the cooling process, when the fan blows on these same plates, dust settles on them, which accumulates and creates an obstacle to normal air exchange. As a result, it turns out that although the cooling system is working properly, nevertheless, due to its contamination, it cannot cope with the task.

A protection is triggered that prevents overheating and the laptop turns off.

- Faulty laptop power supply. As a rule, this happens during a power surge in the network, which the power supply cannot cope with and, in turn, the protection is again triggered and the laptop turns off.

- Operating system malfunction.

- Viruses. Surprisingly, they are not only capable of infecting files and folders, destroying the information contained on them, but also blocking the operation of the entire computer, that is, simply turning it off.

- The video card does not work. In this case, the laptop turns off while playing any game, watching a video or any other image. And all this is for a banal reason - the video card cannot cope with its functions or, more simply put, “can’t handle the graphics” and the entire computer turns off.

If the reason for the laptop turning off is one of the above, and not a dead battery, then it must be eliminated.

How to fix the reason your laptop turns off

- If the cause is overheating, then it is necessary clean the radiator from dust. You can, of course, use a special cooling pad with additional fans, which will allow the motherboard not to overheat, but cleaning from settled dust cannot be avoided in any case. And since this involves completely disassembling the laptop and disconnecting the motherboard, it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist. And for yourself, for the future, remember that preventive cleaning should be carried out at least once a year and, in general, monitor the cleanliness of the surface on which the laptop operates. Also, for preventive purposes, you can lift it above the surface using portable devices - this will provide more intense air exchange.

- A faulty power supply, if the reason for the shutdown is in it, will need to be replaced. And again, if you have no experience in handling electronic equipment, then it is better to contact a service center for this.

- In the case of the operating system it will need to be reinstalled.

- It’s also necessary to get rid of viruses, and it’s better with the help of good antivirus program and a person who understands this, since this will require removing the hard drive and disconnecting the hard drive.

- As for the video card, you will have to purchase and install a new one. Perhaps regular cleaning will help eliminate the cause of the laptop turning off. If something is more serious, then you should not turn to dubious individuals for help. You should immediately go to professionals who will quickly find the cause and be able to eliminate it.
June 08, 2014 2
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  1. Nastya
    20 November 2023 23: 49
    The computer kept shutting down due to overheating, but now everything has been fixed thanks to this article
  2. Shaty
    2 December 2023 16: 22
    I have problems with overheating, but the laptop can’t be understood... I don’t even know what to do...