How to set up WiFi on ByFly

In order to properly configure the M200A modem, we need a work computer or laptop, a crimped RJ-45 network cable (included with the modem), and of course, you must have the “Internet from ByFly” service activated.
Instructions for setting up Wi-Fi on ByFly:
1. Connect your computer and modem to the network.
2. Disable it for a while antivirus on your computer.
3. Run Internet browser (Опера, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox).
4. Connect one end of the network cable to the second port of the modem, the other end of the cable to the computer.
After you have launched your browser, enter in the address bar and press Enter. Once the page loads you will see the following:

In the User field, enter admin, in the “Password” field enter admin and click OK.
If you entered your username and password correctly, you will be taken to the following page:

Now you need to go to the “InterfaceSetup", in this tab go to "Internet". You should see a page like the one in the picture below.

In the “Username” field, enter the username specified in your agreement, in the “password” field, enter the password specified in the same agreement. Check that the “DefaultRoute” parameter is set to “Yes”. If you have done everything, then press the “SAVE” button.
Now go to the “LAN” tab. In this section you can change the DNS server. You need to change anything on this page only if you do not want Beltelecom’s DNS servers to be used, but any others. This setting is intended only for experienced users and is not mandatory, so you can skip this item and move on to the next one.
Open the “Wireless” tab. On this page everything should be done the same as in the picture below. Attention, it is necessary to change only those values indicated by the arrows!
In the “Pre-SharedKey” field, create and remember the password you want to set on your Wi-Fi. In the “SSID” field, write the display name of your WI-Fi (it is not advisable to use Russian letters when filling out this field).
After you have done everything, click the “SAVE” button in the program.
Now turn on the module itself on any device with a Wi-Fi module and find the network with the specified SSID. Connect to the network using the password you set. If you did everything correctly, you will immediately be able to use the Internet from any device that has Wi-Fi.