Site Auditor 3.0.10

If you enter any query into any search service, you will see many sites arranged in a certain order and on a considerable number of pages. But on what basis are the sites found in the search service arranged? The ranking of a website in search results is influenced by many factors. And if you ever start creating and promoting your own website, then you will need to take all these factors into account. For a website, its promotion in search engines is very important. After all, if your site is in the first places of search, then its traffic will be better. During the initial promotion of your site, you will need to learn how to attract new users to your site.
Search engine promotion and user acquisition are mutually interconnected. After all, most often users go to sites that are located in the first lines of search queries. To get to those top search spots, you need to do a lot of research.
In particular, you need to know how well your site is promoted in search engines. In any case, you will have competitors. Therefore, you need to know their level of development in this area. This can also be done manually. But no one will do this manually, since all this will take a lot of time. It would be wiser to use a special program.
Site Auditor will help you get almost all the data you need for your assessment your site in the Internet. The main purpose of this program is a comprehensive and quick analysis of the main indicators of the site. Also, using the Site Auditor program, you can check the site’s search queries, analyze the main competitors and select relevant pages.
The Site Auditor program is quite popular. This is largely due to the fact that it is free. And, of course, an important contribution to the popularity of the program was made by its ease of use, compact size and high speed.
What information about the site can be obtained using this program? TIC, PR, information about the presence of the site in the main trust directories (Yandex, DMOZ (Google), Rambler, Aport), the number of site pages that are indexed by popular search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo), the number of external links to this site , which are in the index of Google, Yandex, Yahoo services, analysis of the site’s main page and much more.
When analyzing a specific site, Site Auditor will provide you with a lot of useful information. It is possible that you will not need some information at all. If this is the case, then you can always turn off the information you don’t need in the program settings.
The interface of the Site Auditor program is not complicated. So, it has only three tabs, namely “Express Analysis”, “Selection of queries” and “Site Visibility”. In the "Express Analysis" tab, you can evaluate the current state of the site, as well as the effectiveness of its search engine optimization. In the "Selection of queries" tab, you can create the semantic core of the site. Well, in the last tab “Site Visibility” you can find out what place a certain site is in the search engine. If you want to analyze your site or a competitor’s site, then you should use the Site Auditor program, designed for computers with Windows OS installed. This program will provide you with almost all the information you need.
Download Site Auditor for free
Download the program from the official website