Браузер Opera Turbo

Opera Turbo browser

Many people are familiar with the wonderful Opera browser. It has excellent functionality, as well as a pleasant and intuitive interface.
October 01, 2015 9
Как сделать подпись в почтовом клиенте Microsoft Outlook?

How to create a signature in the Microsoft Outlook email client?

Microsoft Outlook is an excellent information manager. It has many useful features, but one of the main ones is the email client function.
30th September, 2015 2
Расширение Fast Dial для браузера Mozilla Firefox

Fast Dial extension for Mozilla Firefox browser

Any browser can be improved with various extensions and add-ons. For example, you can install many extensions in the Mozilla Firefox browser that will significantly improve its performance.
29th September, 2015 1
Частотное разложение в программе Фотошоп

Frequency decomposition in Photoshop

There are a lot of different graphic editors today. But no one will argue that Photoshop is the leader in this area.
27th September, 2015 1
Какому оператору принадлежит код 931?

Which operator does the code 931 belong to?

931, 928, 919, 909, 968 are only a small part of the telephone codes in our country. In general, there are not many cellular operators in our country, but they have a lot of telephone codes.
26th September, 2015 1
Аналог программы DjvuReader для телефонов на базе Android

An analogue of the DjvuReader program for Android phones

We regularly review issues related to modern mobile phones. Today we will talk again about smartphones based on the Android operating system.
25th September, 2015 1
Какими программами можно открыть файл PDF?

What programs can open a PDF file?

There is hardly a person today who does not work with electronic documents. There are quite a lot of such documents today and they all have different formats.
24th September, 2015 1
Игровой центр WarFace

Game center WarFace

Today, so many games have been created that they no longer surprise anyone. But there are some games that you want to play for hours on end.
23th September, 2015 1
Полное удаление программы BlueStacks с компьютера

Completely removing BlueStacks from your computer

When installing almost any program on a computer, users do not have any difficulties. But when it comes to removing them, many difficulties arise.
22th September, 2015 2
Outlook Web App - вход в почту

Outlook Web App - Login to Mail

Today, many different mail services have been created. These are mail services from Google, Yandex and many others.
21th September, 2015 4
Онлайн-сервисы для обработки фотографий

Online services for photo processing

Every user has been involved in photo processing at least once in their life. There are several ways to do this.
20th September, 2015 1
Браузер Mozilla Firefox для телефона на ОС Android

Mozilla Firefox browser for Android phone

Smartphones based on the Android operating system are among the most popular today. They are easy to use, multifunctional and have decent quality.
19th September, 2015 1
Нет сигнала на Триколор ТВ - что делать?

There is no signal on Tricolor TV - what to do?

Despite the fact that today a huge number of users use computers for almost all purposes, televisions and, accordingly, television are relevant and popular.
18th September, 2015 3
Расширение friGate для браузера Google Chrome

friGate extension for Google Chrome browser

Our website has already reviewed many different programs, extensions, and plugins. Today we will talk again about the friGate extension.
17th September, 2015 1
Какому оператору принадлежит код 928?

Which operator does the code 928 belong to?

There are not too many telecom operators in our country, but it is extremely difficult to remember all the telephone codes that they use. That is why various cellular operator codes are regularly reviewed on our website.
16th September, 2015 2
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