Конвертируем из формата Word в JPG

Convert from Word to JPG format

Today, so many types of data have been created and developed that listing them would take an extremely long time.
October 31, 2015 2
Боремся в вредными программами с помощью утилиты AdwCleaner

We fight against malware using the AdwCleaner utility

Malicious programs, various viruses - all this can be “picked up” on the Internet today. Even the highest quality antiviruses cannot always track insidious viruses.
October 30, 2015 1

Online photo editor

Only the lazy don’t take photographs today. Almost every person takes photographs of something.
October 29, 2015 1
Как в документе Microsoft Office Word написать вертикальный текст?

How to write vertical text in a Microsoft Office Word document?

One of the most popular text editors today is Microsoft Word. It has many useful features and functions.
October 28, 2015 1
Как удалить программу Adguard с компьютера полностью?

How to completely remove Adguard program from your computer?

Today there are quite a lot of programs that are created to combat advertising on the Internet. There are various extensions for browsers, and there are also full-fledged programs.
October 27, 2015 2
Яндекс.Бар для браузера Google Chrome

Yandex.Bar for Google Chrome browser

A considerable number of users today use the Google Chrome browser. It is simple, convenient, high quality, and also extremely fast.
October 26, 2015 3
Как на айфоне включить режим DFU?

How to enable DFU mode on iPhone?

Many will agree that Apple products are by far the highest quality. But you have to pay a good price for this quality.
October 25, 2015 2
Видеочат со случайным собеседником без регистрации

Video chat with a random interlocutor without registration

The Internet today has become a place where you can not only learn a lot of useful information, but also communicate with a variety of people.
October 24, 2015 1
Делаем самодельную антенну для телевизора

Making a homemade antenna for a TV

Although you can find almost everything on the Internet today, television is still relevant. Television channels are watched by millions of people around the world.
October 23, 2015 2
Почему планшет не подключается к сети Wi-Fi?

Why won't my tablet connect to the Wi-Fi network?

Almost every person uses the Internet today. And most people probably prefer wireless Internet.
October 22, 2015 2
Создаем резервную копию айфона

Backing up your iPhone

Any modern phone or computer has data that the user would not want to lose under any circumstances. But a variety of circumstances can occur that can cause important data to be lost.
October 21, 2015 1
Что из себя представляет программа Launch Manager?

What is Launch Manager?

Today, many different programs are produced for computers. There are so many of them that sometimes it is useful to guess why this or that program is needed.
October 20, 2015 2
Драйвера для принтера Hp Laserjet 1018

Drivers for HP Laserjet 1018 printer

Computers surround us everywhere today. Study, work, leisure - computers are everywhere.
October 19, 2015 2
Программа ножницы для Windows 7

Scissors program for Windows 7

Almost every user has taken different screenshots at least once. A screenshot is an instant snapshot of the screen.
October 18, 2015 3
Меняем цвет волос в программе Фотошоп

Changing hair color in Photoshop

There are a lot of graphic editors today. And they continue to be created to this day.
October 17, 2015 1
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