How to number pages in a Microsoft Office Word 2007 and 2010 document, starting from page 3?

Как пронумеровать страницы в документе Microsoft Office Word 2007 и 2010, начиная с 3 страницы?

Package text editor Microsoft Office provides a huge set of tools for working with text. Almost all the tools are simple and extremely easy to use. But still, many users have questions and difficulties when working with this text editor. Probably one of the most popular questions is the question related to page numbering. Let's look at the following question: how to number pages in Microsoft Office Word 2010 starting from the third. At first glance, this task is very difficult, but it is not so. We will look at everything using Word 2007 as an example, since the procedure here will be completely similar for Word 2010. First, let's turn on the display of all characters in the document. To do this, click on the corresponding icon in the document header. This is just for clarity.
Как пронумеровать страницы в документе Microsoft Office Word 2007 и 2010, начиная с 3 страницы?

Now go to the first page of the document and place the cursor at the end of the text. Then you need to open the tab "Разметка страницы". Here we select the item "Breaks" and then "Snext page".

After these steps, you will see an inscription in your document, which is shown in the screenshot below. This inscription will be removed after you click on the "Show all symbols".

Because we need number the document from the third page, then we make exactly the same break on the second page. Accordingly, if you need to make numbering from the fourth page, then you need to make the same break on the third page.

After you have completed all the steps indicated above, you need to completely number the document. If you don't remember, this is how it is done. Go to the tab "Insert"and here we select the item"Page number". Select the required room type.

Now you need to go to the "tab"Constructor". To do this, click on the number of the first page. The "Designer" tab will open. Here you will need to check the box next to "Special header and footer for the first page". After these actions, the number digit will disappear from this page. We perform similar actions with the second page.

If you completed all the steps correctly, the numbering in your document will start from the third page. If you need your third page not to have its own serial number, but for example, 1 or 2, then this can be done in the " tabPage number". In this tab, select the sub-item "Page Number Format" and in paragraph "begin with"select the number you need. Numbering a Word 2010 document from the third page is difficult at first glance. But if you use the instructions presented in the article, numbering the document will be very simple.
June 22, 2015 3
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  1. Svetlana
    23 December 2015 12: 22
    Thank you!! finally everything worked out. Savior)
  2. Svetlana
    12 May 2016 14: 52
    Then you need Page Number - Page Number Format - Start with... 1
    and then there will be nothing on the first page, nothing on the second, and the third will be numbered 1
  3. Shaty
    6 December 2023 11: 24
    That's why they hid this function. As you might guess, look for numbering in breaks...