Replace the old Windows password with a new one

Заменяем старый пароль Windows на новый

For each Windows system, the method for changing the password is almost the same, but there are still some minor differences. In this article, we will examine in detail the methods of changing the password on the most modern and popular Microsoft systems today. Change password to Windows 7 - the simplest task:

1. You must press hotkey combination CTRL+ALT+DELETE;
2. In the menu that appears, select the command "Change password";
3. All you have to do is remember and enter your old password, and then enter a new password with confirmation and press the key Enter (Enter).

Changing the password in the system Windows 8 goes a little differently, but no less difficult:

1. Open the panel located on the right side of the screen and go to Parameters;

Заменяем старый пароль Windows на новый

2. Select from the menu "Edit parameters to the computer";

3. Choose "Graphic password" and in the menu that opens, indicate your new password.

If your password has been lost, you can recover it in a clever way by using a password reset disk.


If you are logged in as an administrator, then you have the power to create and change passwords for absolutely all user accounts on this computer. As we can see after reading this article, there is absolutely nothing complicated about changing the password on Windows systems. It's more difficult later reset this passwordif it was forgotten. We wish you good luck in working with your computer!
November 26, 2014 1
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  1. Shaty
    3 December 2023 21: 05
    Good instructions for changing your password. Everything is short and clear.