Changing the direction of text in a Microsoft Word document

Меняем направление текста в документе Microsoft Word

How to change the font, change the page orientation, add numbering in a Microsoft Word document - this is only a small part of the questions that users ask on the Internet. In fact, all this is done quite simply. You just need to know where the right tools are. Today we will tell you how you can change the direction of text in a Microsoft Word document. The easiest way to change the direction of the text in this case is use tables. To begin with, we simply create a table and write the text we need in it.

Having written the required text in the table, simply select it. After that, right-click on the text and select "Text direction". It looks like this.
Меняем направление текста в документе Microsoft Word

Then a window appears in which we need to select the text direction we need. This is done very simply.

Eventually, the text written in a table cell will change direction. But visible table borders will remain. So that there are no borders, you just need to remove them. To do this, right-click in the table and select "Borders and Shading".

A window will open in which we remove the table borders. Finally, click on the "OK".
The fastest way to change the direction of text in an editor document Microsoft Office - this is creating a table and changing the direction of the text in it. You can find out how to do this in this article.
January 09, 2016 2
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  1. Tulip
    6 December 2023 17: 51
    This is my eternal problem with text reversal. At the right moment I forget how to turn it over)
  2. Diz1k
    6 December 2023 22: 04
    I didn’t know that you could write in other directions in Word